Abbreviated tutorial

This abbreviated tutorial provides a minimal version of instructions for people who want to get a “working version” up and running quickly to explore the data for themselves. A little background is still needed.


MIPTools supports several computational steps, including:
  • MIP design: This is for choosing resions of the genome that you’d like to target.

  • Wrangling: This is for finding what haplotypes are associated with each targeted region and the number of times each haplotype was seen in each sample. This can be thought of as the “core” purpose of MIPTools. The output is a tab delimited file called allInfo.tsv.gz

  • stat-checking: This is for figuring out which samples and which targeted regions (aka MIPs) performed well and which did not. There are several graphical outputs and comma separated files produced at this stage. Among the most important are barcode_counts.csv (how many times each targeted region of the genome was seen in each sample) and repool.csv (which MIPs need to be re-sequenced or repooled in each sample). umi_heatmap.html is also useful for visualizing the performance of each MIP in each sample (open this with a web browser).

  • variant calling: This is for estimating the number of times that each MIP was associated with a mutation in each sample. The outputs are a VCF file containing mutated genomic positions for each sample and several tables that annotate mutations with associated amino acid changes for each sample. For the tutorial, the main outputs of interest are three tables that can be used to infer which samples contain each mutation:

    • coverage_AA_table.csv: how many times the mutation was sequenced

    • reference_AA_table.csv: how many times the reference allele was seen in each sample

    • alternate_AA_table.csv: how many times the alternate (mutant) allele was seen in each sample

Input File Structure

A few directories are required for most operations.

  • species_resources: Contains information about the genome you targeted MIPs against. Bound internally to /opt/species_resources. Includes:

    • fasta file: Genome reference sequence in fasta format.

    • bowtie2_genome: The reference genome indexed using bowtie2.

    • bwa_genome: The reference genome indexed using bwa.

    • SNPs: VCF formatted locations of known SNPs in the reference genome. Useful during MIP design to avoid targeting a polymorphic region of the genome.

    • refgene: RefGen style gene/gene prediction table in GenePred format. These are available at under Tools/Table Browser for most species. If you have gff3/gtf formatted files, they can be converted to GenePred format using Jim Kent’s programs gff3ToGenePred and gtfToGenePred.

    • refgene_tabix: An index of the refgene file, created using tabix.

    • file_locations.tsv: This file is required for all operations. It is a tab separated text file showing where each required file will be located in the container. Each line corresponds to one file. First field states the species for the file, second field states what kind of file it is and the last field is the absolute path to the file within the singularity container

  • project_resources: Contains information about your mip panel. Bound internally to /opt/project_resources. Includes:

    • A targets.tsv file with the genomic coordinates of any protein-coding mutations that are of particular interest.

    • a mip_ids folder that contains the mip arms of MIPs that target regions of the genome that are of interest.

    • A few redundant json and csv files for easy access to MIP information. Our goal is to remove these in the future.

Analyzing the Data

Now that we know what steps will be performed and how files are organized, we can look at a hypothetical dataset. The tutorial dataset contains 56 samples sequenced with 57 targeted genomic regions corresponding to known drug resistance mutations of the P. falciparum genome. It assumes that MIPs have already been designed, and that these MIPs have been used to target our regions of interest, and that samples have already been pooled together, sequenced with illumina paired end reads, and demultiplexed.

You can download the tutorial dataset from here:
The dataset includes a project_resources folder, a species_resources folder, a sample sheet, and a fastq directory with demultiplexed illumina paired end reads as output.
You can obtain a copy of our latest sif file from here:
This includes all executable programs needed for analysis


For convenience, settings can be passed in to the wrangler via a yaml file. Later in the tutorial, we’ll show some more advanced usage options available for troubleshooting and passing more customizable inputs. For now, you can obtain an example simple settings file for wrangling with this command:
After downloading, open the file for editing with a text editor and make sure to follow the instructions in this file, editing it to contain the correct path to the project resources, species resources, sample sheet, and sif files you downloaded above, as well as the location where you’d like the output to be sent.
We’ve also provided a bash script for converting the yaml settings into instructions for the wrangler. You can obtain the bash script for wrangling with this command (put it in the same folder as the settings yaml file):
After changing directory to a folder that can run your data, you can execute the wrangler script with:

Checking run stats

After wrangling is finished, you can obtain a settings file for checking run stats with this command:
Make sure to follow the instructions in this file.
You can obtain the script for checking run stats here (put it in the same folder as the settings file):
And you can execute it like this:

Variant Calling

Variant calling uses the same settings file as check_run_stats.

You can obtain the script for variant calling here (put it in the same folder as the settings file):
And you can execute it like this:

Resource Requirements

If you use the default processor counts, wrangling and variant calling should complete in approximately five minutes each for the tutorial dataset, with checking run stats completing substantially faster.

More generally, resources required vary widely depending on the project. Wrangling and variant calling require the most RAM and processing power, and both of these steps can be parallelized across multiple processors. Wrangling with ~7,000 samples can take up to three days to complete, and some variant calling steps on datasets this large can take a little over a week. The more processors (also known as CPUs or threads) you ask for, the faster the job will run, the more RAM will be required, and the higher the probability that the job will crash if RAM is insufficient. With a dataset containing 7,000 samples, a single processor might require up to 150 GB of RAM in the variant calling step. Internally, MIPTools uses snakemake so that if a job crashes partway through, you can rerun it and MIPTools will pick up where it left off. Therefore, you might consider running a job once and requesting a large number of processors (e.g. 15) so that most of the steps finish quickly. Then, if the job crashes, you might edit the settings file to request fewer processors (e.g. 4 or even 2 or 1) so that any remaining particularly tricky steps can be run with a lower likelihood of crashing.